Danny Lopez' Place
San Juan Capistrano, CA
August  5, 2006

To: 'Arellano High School Class 1958' (Arellanohi58@yahoogroups.com)
Subject: Narrative - (Lopez Reunion)
Date: 6 August 2006

Hello Classmates:

I want to share with you the great time we had at the reunion held at Danny and Evelyn Lopez' beautiful residence in San Juan Capistrano yesterday, Saturday, August 5, 2006. We had a sumptuous lunch all prepared by Evelyn herself: hors d'oeuvres of prosciuto and melon, grilled prawns, crackers with peach preserves and parmesan cheese; bottomless sangria and a variety of wine; lunch was mixed green salad, grilled lamb chops, steak and delicious paella. You can imagine Evelyn running back and forth all day putting all these together. We could hardly breathe after lunch. Then she started preparing dessert and what a lovely presentation ---cakes, leche flan, fruit salad and the most delicious coffee!

Are you happy for us yet? Let me tell you who attended. Let's start with Danny and Evelyn and their son, Don and family; Betty Lumaquin/Eddy Garcia; Delicia Calbes Asimont; Nelson Reyes/Elizabeth; Letty Sarcia/ Brig Pascual; Precy Soliman/Ed Bustamante; Ernie Lapid; Alex Lugtu; Edith Echiverri and her Mom; and Caridad (Didi) Quismundo Stevens and her grandson.

I want to tell you the big surprise that Danny prepared for us. But before I do that, I would like to tell Danny how much he has touched my heart and everyone's heart for this loving and generous act. On Thursday, he and Alex Lugtu drove to Las Vegas and picked-up Remy Nicasio Marciales so she can join us in the gathering. When we were gathered in Danny's backyard under the gazebo, he and Alex helped Remy come out of the house. What a touching and happy moment. So now, I should add Remy to the list above as an attendee.

Cameras, of course, were flashing all around. Since mine is one of those antique cameras, I cannot instantaneously download it to be able to share the pictures with you. There are others with these nifty digital cameras who have promised to download their pictures as soon as possible. I guess we will have to wait for a few days.

Later in the day, we were entertained by Delicia's magnificent singing that almost shook Danny's rafters and broken some crystal glasses. Edith provided piano entertainment as well.

Some reluctantly left around six o'clock but the others just couldn't leave and realize that was the end of the gathering. If the clock had not continued ticking, we wouldn't have left at all. In fact, Evelyn had to hurriedly put together another meal for us because we were NOT leaving!

I get quite emotional trying to describe the overflowing happiness I felt to see in person once again these classmates who, after 48 years, have become just names to me. The recollections we shared were hilarious --- like ditching classes to play basketball at the back of the school main building; making faces at crotchety teachers; but some recollections were serious --- how we miss Dado and Auring and all those who have left us; classmates we cannot locate; and crushes and first loves divulged.

There was barely a dozen of us yesterday but what a tremendously joyful gathering it was. Can you even begin to imagine how it would be like when we gather in two years? I could hardly wait.

Thank you so much, Danny and Evelyn, for making it happen. Your love, friendship and generosity was in every hug, every drink, every dish and in every corner of your lovely lovely home!

With deep affection --- Betty Garcia

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